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Fish Necklace
$39.00 $90.00
Cicada Wing Long Necklace
$375.00 $650.00
Bean Large Gold Necklace
$69.00 $185.00
Eel Clip Earrings
$46.00 $155.00
All the Fish in the Sea Necklace
$495.00 $985.00
Fish Earrings
$35.00 $85.00
Eel Drop Earrings
$22.00 $75.00
Lotus Pod Collar Necklace
$250.00 $495.00
Labyrinth Petite Gold Earrings
$35.00 $125.00
Millefleurs Gold Earrings
$69.00 $155.00
Labyrinth Medium Gold Earrings
$59.00 $130.00
Millefleurs Silver Earrings
Labyrinth Large Gold Earrings
$45.00 $150.00
Peace Dove Medium Silver Necklace
$120.00 $165.00
Peace Dove Medium Gunmetal Necklace
$50.00 $165.00
Eel Bibb Necklace on Wire Collar
Cicada Wing Bibb Necklace with Amber
$255.00 $850.00
Labyrinth Large Silver Earrings
Labyrinth Medium Silver Earrings
$35.00 $130.00
Labyrinth Petite Silver Earrings