5 March 2016

Power Woman: Ganna Walska

“I am the enemy of average.” Now those are words of a power woman.

Respect, Ganna. You blow us away with your energy and with your ability to pull off wearing a tiara any old time. Probably even in the garden.

How did the Polish bohemian who lived through the 1920s buck the average?
* She answered only to “madame.”
* She married six times.
* She married a count and lived in St. Petersburg, Russia.
* She lived in a French chateau.
* She moved to free-thinking California to free think.
* She adorned her Santa Barbara garden in jewels: amethyst crystals and seashells.
* She sang opera and cabaret.
* She was one of the 20th century’s greatest jewelry collectors.
* She lived to be 97.
* She loved lotuses so much she called her garden Lotusland.

In memoriam, wear a lotus every now and again. Check ours out below. We have made them as earrings. You’ll feel like an enemy of the average. No one makes anything like this. Be your own power woman.

Madame also married a famous Buddhist, Theos Casimir Bernard. We dare to believe he out-Lotus-positioned her (aka Baddha Padmasana). For those of us with mouths wide open at this photo, check out Lotus position for dummies.