Janet Mavec: What’s your favorite part of having a garden?
Bunny Williams: The early morning tours with a cup of coffee and my dogs.
JM: What’s the one garden tool you can’t live without?
BW: A bamboo rake - there is always cleaning up to be done!
JM: Which gardens have influenced your own?
BW: Russell Page’s garden in Normandy and the Wirtz gardens in Belgium
JM: What’s new or coming up for you in the 2022 that you’d like to mention?
BW: I’m continuing to develop my birdhouse village (on her acreage, this spot contains her birdhouses’ collection enveloped by apple and pine trees, and seats made of branches. And naturally, free-flying birds).
Also, this May 14th the garden show she founded, Trade Secrets, is back on after a pandemic pause. The three-day event sells rare plants and garden antiques and is the primary fundraiser for Women’s Support Services (tradesecretsct.com). It is a DO NOT MISS event! It is the GARDEN EVENT of the year in the Northeast.
Bunny wearing Janet Mavec's fabulous oyster ring.